Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Taxicab Compressions

Consistent with our mission to educate our readers, we received a report today of a scam being perpetrated on unknowing members of the public. Knee Jerk Marketing spoke with Gregory Wohman, a troubled soul who had recently had a run in with a taxi cab driver.

Mr. Wohman went on to explain, "I left my bag on top of my car last night right before I headed off to the grocery store. Next thing I know my bag with my computer is gone!" He described a phone call from a friendly taxi cab driver explaining to him in broken English that he saw his bag with computer fly into the street and summarily roll into traffic and get run over.

After asking Mr. Wohman to meet him to pick up his computer, he described that he would have to purchase 10 Slurpees and have his frequent buyer card stamped at his cousin's store nearby before he could redeem the computer. Knee Jerk Marketing checked with the store named "Slurpees & Hard Drives" to see if they had any further information on this and they reportedly have "No Comment."

Looks like this problem is likely to give Mr. Wohman quite a "brain freeze."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What kind of lug nut leaves his computer on the roof of his car and drives away? And that name: Wohman? Sounds kind of like "woman" which may just explain everything!